
How can I stop to feel like this?

I am in my final year at school and the school requires us to do unpaid internships in companies of their choice. This work period will last about three months and I loathe it; I loathe waking up at the same time every morning, having to make an indecently long journey to get to a place where I am forced to produce value for the bosses without a penny in return. Literally all my value is fucking stolen, all of it, and they even treat me like I'm an idiot. Now, I can sign absences myself, which I then communicate to the school in peace, and as I am going through a period of great psychological stress, I wanted to take five days off. Is it normal that I continue to feel a sort of inner discomfort because I don't want my -paid- colleagues to think badly of me? I…

I am in my final year at school and the school requires us to do unpaid internships in companies of their choice.
This work period will last about three months and I loathe it; I loathe waking up at the same time every morning, having to make an indecently long journey to get to a place where I am forced to produce value for the bosses without a penny in return. Literally all my value is fucking stolen, all of it, and they even treat me like I'm an idiot.

Now, I can sign absences myself, which I then communicate to the school in peace, and as I am going through a period of great psychological stress, I wanted to take five days off.
Is it normal that I continue to feel a sort of inner discomfort because I don't want my -paid- colleagues to think badly of me? I am an anarchist, and for my activism I have even risked prison, yet I have these scruples. I want to stop feeling this way, but the nausea is pressing.

I honestly can't take it anymore. I know that as soon as this school year is over and I get my leave, I won't be able to do anything else but go and do this same thing but put in more hours of my life for a starvation wage, just because I wasn't born with the right family. I feel like crying when I think that this will be my future and the anguish destroys me. I only wish this dystopian hell could end. That is why I implore you: be politically active. Whether you are anarchists, trade unionists, communists etc. does not matter, join those you find like-minded and try, together, to pull more and more people out of the Matrix.

Apologies for the rant.

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