
How can I strategically leave my toxic job?

So this is going to be long – Looking for advice on how to strategically leave my toxic job. Well actually more so my toxic boss. It’s a shame bc I actually didn’t mind the job or work at all but my boss is becoming so controlling, manipulative, and just unbearable. I’m tired of walking on eggshells and getting yelled at like a child bc she’s nitpicking my work. Yesterday she even tried to tell me that I’m actually overpaid for my position and she expects more leadership from me and that I’m not doing very high level skill work – then ends it with “well thanks for all your help today”. The day before that i got yelled at bc the paper towel holder i ordered fell off. Mind you I’m helping her do not only general management for one company but also another sister company – also doing…

So this is going to be long – Looking for advice on how to strategically leave my toxic job. Well actually more so my toxic boss. It’s a shame bc I actually didn’t mind the job or work at all but my boss is becoming so controlling, manipulative, and just unbearable. I’m tired of walking on eggshells and getting yelled at like a child bc she’s nitpicking my work.

Yesterday she even tried to tell me that I’m actually overpaid for my position and she expects more leadership from me and that I’m not doing very high level skill work – then ends it with “well thanks for all your help today”. The day before that i got yelled at bc the paper towel holder i ordered fell off. Mind you I’m helping her do not only general management for one company but also another sister company – also doing all of the marketing, planning content, editing content, coordinating events, websites while running on her ridiculous timeline she usually give me less than a week notice. And I’m barely even getting paid enough for that. Most people just do just that portion as their full time job so wtf did she mean that she’s “overpaying” me. I’m so pissed. It’s really taking a toll on my mental health there are more days when I am crying at work bc I can’t stand her. She’s just taking advantage now and I need to get out!

Only thing is financially I can’t afford to leave this job without having another one lined up and don’t know how to do that. I want to take the time for my next job to find something that’s a good fit but idk how long that will take (I’ve known people applying for 6 mos). I could afford to live for a month off savings but don’t know if that’s practical. Another thing I was thinking was what if I just worked a pt job enough to cover the bills and just tough it out for a little while until an offer comes in. My mind is racing and I want to get out as soon as I can bc I feel if I don’t my boss will continue to squeeze whatever she can out of me or make an even worse situation for me.

tdlr: my boss is toxic and I need to leave asap without going broke

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