
How can people still believe Free speech is real when capitalism is censored?

Go on, tell me a government who is openly able to talk about capitalism that is not praised and promoted if they are presenting it via the censored version, aka “capitalism is wonderful” VS someone who the moment they dare say anything real, based on statistics and data, how harmful capitalism is, will not be allowed to talk again, will be dismissed, or caused of some scandal like sex crime. ​ Please tell me how many articles, news and more, show capitalism how it really is VS almost every last one of them just praising it and blaming the workers for any issues. ​ Do you know all the billions the parasite class, ah, sorry, the owner class, you know, the one who LEGALLY get billions in profit because the others are working, you know, the one that ACTUALLY are not working, but get more rich, not paying taxes, but…

Go on, tell me a government who is openly able to talk about capitalism that is not praised and promoted if they are presenting it via the censored version, aka “capitalism is wonderful” VS someone who the moment they dare say anything real, based on statistics and data, how harmful capitalism is, will not be allowed to talk again, will be dismissed, or caused of some scandal like sex crime.

Please tell me how many articles, news and more, show capitalism how it really is VS almost every last one of them just praising it and blaming the workers for any issues.

Do you know all the billions the parasite class, ah, sorry, the owner class, you know, the one who LEGALLY get billions in profit because the others are working, you know, the one that ACTUALLY are not working, but get more rich, not paying taxes, but insted of people hating them, they hate people from this sub because the news and social media censored everything regarding capitalism. SO back to it. Do you all know the billions the parasite class make? guess what, all that is because we need to work even more hours, just to afford to pay them premium income. And no, I'm not talking about straight away the shop where you buy. No, I'm also talking about how said shops, need to pay a high amount for the materials, goods, whatever it is. Aka there is a chain, a chain where the “owner class” keep increasing the prices, so at the end of the chain, we need to pay the shops premium prices because those are the “market prices”

when without the parasite class, not only will all prices go down, people who are working will actually be paid. Imagen no more bank debt to own a house, like it was before the parasite class became bilioners.

But all this, is never, it is NEVER officially, by any news, any social media, any government, all this is never officially recognised or talked about since anything to do with capitalism is censored

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