
How can we create a gift economy when greedy people who don’t get a non-quid-pro-quo economy (an anti-capitalist economy) can’t imagine donation as anything other than a handout?

I've been running up against a lot of people who truly struggle to have the imagination necessary to see an economy that isn't the limited, uncreative, inflexible quid pro quo. If we only gave plants soil when they were blooming, we'd never have a rose to begin with. Yet the world is full of people with this poor of an understanding on how to restore abundant local ecologies. How do we fight this thinking? It's everywhere. There are people who truly see gifts that create social trust and social abundance from that as giving a handout. I've never seen anything so wrong and uncreative. How do we clean this up? There are a lot of jealous people out there who really don't get how to be generous and are jealous of those who can be. It takes empathy.

I've been running up against a lot of people who truly struggle to have the imagination necessary to see an economy that isn't the limited, uncreative, inflexible quid pro quo. If we only gave plants soil when they were blooming, we'd never have a rose to begin with. Yet the world is full of people with this poor of an understanding on how to restore abundant local ecologies. How do we fight this thinking? It's everywhere. There are people who truly see gifts that create social trust and social abundance from that as giving a handout. I've never seen anything so wrong and uncreative. How do we clean this up?

There are a lot of jealous people out there who really don't get how to be generous and are jealous of those who can be. It takes empathy.

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