
How chaos are you going to create for now reason?!

I'm pretty bad at this, but it's aggravating and I just need to release some anger. So mothers 50th birthday celebration was on saturday. Since I've started working at this restaurant I've always opened it on saturday. Schedule gets posted every week on sunday. I didn't tell my manager about it because if it was going to change he'd tell me. ( assumption 1, wrong ) He scheduled me in the evening on saturday. Me and my mom don't get along. I've been told by the owner I should try an make some concessions. Okay, told my mom we'll celebrate another day, just me and her. This thursday my mom personally asked me to be there. I called my boss up, while on a drive, to find coverage. He said he would cover my shift. ( action 1, wrong ) he back pedaled hard on this one. I should have…

I'm pretty bad at this, but it's aggravating and I just need to release some anger.

So mothers 50th birthday celebration was on saturday.
Since I've started working at this restaurant I've always opened it on saturday.

Schedule gets posted every week on sunday. I didn't tell my manager about it because if it was going to change he'd tell me. ( assumption 1, wrong ) He scheduled me in the evening on saturday.

Me and my mom don't get along. I've been told by the owner I should try an make some concessions. Okay, told my mom we'll celebrate another day, just me and her.

This thursday my mom personally asked me to be there. I called my boss up, while on a drive, to find coverage. He said he would cover my shift. ( action 1, wrong ) he back pedaled hard on this one. I should have texted confirmation.

Saturday comes. 5:15 pm, 15 minutes before my shift, I get a text saying if I don't show up I will be written up as a no call no show. It's a 20 minutes drive i get there around 6.

He's saying he's not opening and closing 3 nights. ( false, statement, 1 ) he doesn't need to open and close he just needs to help the closing manager cover dinner.

He never said I could take the day off that I could just leave early. ( false statement, 2 ) moms birthday was at a restaurant that was a 45 minute drive from work. Let's give me 15 minutes to fresh up. To make it on time I would have to leave work 30 minutes into my shift.

Okay he is asking I show up late to my moms birthday. Get there at 8. But wait it's just working for an hour and 30 minutes. THAT'S NOT AN OPEN AND CLOSE. WHY DID HE COMPLAIN TO THE OWNER ABOUT WORKING AN OPEN AND CLOSE WHEN IT WAS JUST COVERING 2 HOURS. A 930 to 730 shift which is a normal shift at all other restaurants like ours.

I'm pissed but the people I work with are good. 8 o'clock I get a text. Figured it was a family photo. Nope, boss told me I can go home now. The owner calls me, probably because he heard I was absolutely livid, saying if I speed and go in my work clothes I can make it for the last 15 minutes of the restaurant.

Thank you masta, for giving me 15 minutes of my moms birthday celebration. Let me show up while the restaurant is closing up, not cooking anymore food and everyone is going home.

The owner didn't recognize the absolute gall of the manager complaining to him about not wanting to open and close, then sending me home at 8. 5 hours before close.

I'm fucking done with this place.

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