
How come we haven’t discussed a Christmas General strike?

Many industries strongly rely on the Christmas season get themselves from “red” to “black”, financially speaking. Boycotting the Christmas chaos would be an easy time to get people involved because we wouldn’t need to ask them to entirely stop spending, they could still buy groceries and toiletries and their general necessities, but they wouldn’t buy Christmas stuff. No wrapping paper, no toys, no unneeded stuff that people don’t really need anyways. In order to avoid upsetting the religious, we could market it as an “Acts of Service Christmas,” and push emphasize people doing kind things for one another instead of buying stuff. Thoughts?

Many industries strongly rely on the Christmas season get themselves from “red” to “black”, financially speaking. Boycotting the Christmas chaos would be an easy time to get people involved because we wouldn’t need to ask them to entirely stop spending, they could still buy groceries and toiletries and their general necessities, but they wouldn’t buy Christmas stuff.

No wrapping paper, no toys, no unneeded stuff that people don’t really need anyways. In order to avoid upsetting the religious, we could market it as an “Acts of Service Christmas,” and push emphasize people doing kind things for one another instead of buying stuff. Thoughts?

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