
How could I fuck over this greedy company I work for?

So I started working for this auto shop. The lead tech has taken a liking to me and wants to train me. But he's also told me some dark things about this company. At first I thought he's really stretching it and telling me a bunch of bullshit. He told me our lifts are very poorly maintained, and a lift arm actually swung out from under a F150 that was lifted in the air, hit him in the chest, and sent him flying. Did boss care? No. He ran out to inspect the car while the lead tech was on the floor trying to collect himself. Boss then went inside to call his boss, and still said nothing to the tech. The customer came out and was the only one actually concerned for my coworker. Customer gave 0 fucks about his truck. At first, I thought this was some stretched…

So I started working for this auto shop. The lead tech has taken a liking to me and wants to train me.

But he's also told me some dark things about this company. At first I thought he's really stretching it and telling me a bunch of bullshit. He told me our lifts are very poorly maintained, and a lift arm actually swung out from under a F150 that was lifted in the air, hit him in the chest, and sent him flying. Did boss care? No. He ran out to inspect the car while the lead tech was on the floor trying to collect himself. Boss then went inside to call his boss, and still said nothing to the tech. The customer came out and was the only one actually concerned for my coworker. Customer gave 0 fucks about his truck.

At first, I thought this was some stretched out lie. He also told me they had an employee who stripped spark plugs threads in an engine, which results in a useless engine. They promoted this guy to a store manager a few weeks later. I also thought this was a lie.. then I worked with a guy who did nothing but complain, cuss at my manager, hardly did any work, and just left one day. They then promote this guy to manager at a different store. First day in at his new store, guy gets in a newish BMW (past 2018 or so) and he ended up driving it into a dumpster. He still has his job. So now that's out of the way about this company..

He told me the other day that the company owner has a life insurance policy on every employee. If one of us dies, he gets a payout. But apparently $2-3 is taken out of MY paycheck every week for this.

Our uniforms are provided by a uniform company. They also will take our uniforms and wash them. Ive been washing it at home because I don't trust the company. My coworker also said his uniforms always smell funny. I was then told that $20 is taken from my check every week to pay for this service, regardless if I actually use it.

I was also told that there are several different owners, and every location is registered under its own LLC, so no one can sue the entire company.

I'm thinking of just getting experience and documenting things like this supposed life insurance policy. I have to download the app my company uses to see it. But can I actually do anything about this?

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