
How did we even get to this point?

I don’t really have a main subject for this post nor do I have the exact wording I need to explain this clearly but I’m hoping you guys will understand where I’m getting at, how the fuck did we get to this point? I’m here driving to work stressing over being a minute late because I might get yelled at, fired, or whatever the hoo ha fuck. But at the same time I’m also thinking about the wonders of the world, the mysteries of the universe. How none of these dumbass problems matter in the grand scheme of things. How we all could just support each other as a species to explore and realize the beauty of not only the world but the universe we live in. Instead of stressing about stuff we shouldn’t need to stress about if we all just cared for each other as a whole. But…

I don’t really have a main subject for this post nor do I have the exact wording I need to explain this clearly but I’m hoping you guys will understand where I’m getting at, how the fuck did we get to this point? I’m here driving to work stressing over being a minute late because I might get yelled at, fired, or whatever the hoo ha fuck. But at the same time I’m also thinking about the wonders of the world, the mysteries of the universe. How none of these dumbass problems matter in the grand scheme of things. How we all could just support each other as a species to explore and realize the beauty of not only the world but the universe we live in. Instead of stressing about stuff we shouldn’t need to stress about if we all just cared for each other as a whole. But no, instead I’m stressing over 60 seconds of something I’ll be at for the next 40 plus fucking years to have the privilege to live.

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