
How did you get out of the mentality of work=worth/life?

While I wholeheartedly agree that I shouldn’t live to work, I have a difficulty actually embracing it and putting it in practice. Throughout school we’re kind of socialized to believe that good student=good kid and it seems to have translated into good worker=good person. As I’ve only graduated from college in the last 3 years, I still definitely have that mentality and my default is to go above and beyond in my work, even when I’m not paid for it. Maybe because I have worked in education and now healthcare dealing with people’s lives, it doesn’t always feel like “just a job.” Any tips on how to create boundaries and stop burning myself out with perfectionism in the workplace?

While I wholeheartedly agree that I shouldn’t live to work, I have a difficulty actually embracing it and putting it in practice. Throughout school we’re kind of socialized to believe that good student=good kid and it seems to have translated into good worker=good person. As I’ve only graduated from college in the last 3 years, I still definitely have that mentality and my default is to go above and beyond in my work, even when I’m not paid for it. Maybe because I have worked in education and now healthcare dealing with people’s lives, it doesn’t always feel like “just a job.” Any tips on how to create boundaries and stop burning myself out with perfectionism in the workplace?

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