
How do I cope? (TW: depression)

This could be my depression talking but how is anyone being complacent that we spend our life working our souls away. I'm in college and my ambitions have died. I'll be taking gap years before applying to grad school. Yet, I realized I'm spending less time being with my family and friends. It's depressing because one day, my parent will be gone and I'll be all alone. And I'm wasting the majority of my time working to just sustain myself. Even one job isn't enough to cover the high COL. Literally portioning out meals and wearing my clothes that have holes because I can't afford anything else right now. My friends are complacent with the 9-5. I can't seem to be fine with it. honestly, i rather do nothing and experience life with my family. I don't even think I will ever own a house once I'm older. I'll prob…

This could be my depression talking but how is anyone being complacent that we spend our life working our souls away. I'm in college and my ambitions have died. I'll be taking gap years before applying to grad school. Yet, I realized I'm spending less time being with my family and friends. It's depressing because one day, my parent will be gone and I'll be all alone. And I'm wasting the majority of my time working to just sustain myself. Even one job isn't enough to cover the high COL. Literally portioning out meals and wearing my clothes that have holes because I can't afford anything else right now. My friends are complacent with the 9-5. I can't seem to be fine with it. honestly, i rather do nothing and experience life with my family. I don't even think I will ever own a house once I'm older. I'll prob be apartment hopping.

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