
How do I express my frustration with minimal risk?

Good morning ️ Very long story short(er)… Obligatory: On mobile, pls forgive my formatting. I have been w my company for almost 10 months. I was asked in July to travel to another location, approximately 200mi from home and help hire/train new management for that facility. Two and a half months later my DM, the Executive suite of the other location, and the Director of the dept I went to help are all giving glowing reviews and high praise. I’m an introvert by nature and all the ‘sunshine’ felt a bit off but I chalked it up to my own internal crap. I was told by my DM I would not be returning to my original account and would be traveling to other accounts to do what I had been doing the last 2 1/2 months. All of this was supposed to come with a raise, more PTO time so…

Good morning ️
Very long story short(er)…

Obligatory: On mobile, pls forgive my formatting.

I have been w my company for almost 10 months. I was asked in July to travel to another location, approximately 200mi from home and help hire/train new management for that facility. Two and a half months later my DM, the Executive suite of the other location, and the Director of the dept I went to help are all giving glowing reviews and high praise. I’m an introvert by nature and all the ‘sunshine’ felt a bit off but I chalked it up to my own internal crap.

I was told by my DM I would not be returning to my original account and would be traveling to other accounts to do what I had been doing the last 2 1/2 months. All of this was supposed to come with a raise, more PTO time so I could spend some extended time at home between assignments, and a travel card so I could stop using the reimbursement method for recouping costs for food/laundry/etc.

Just got my first paycheck since being ‘promoted’. It went back to my pre-travel level with no warning. (I was receiving a $250/wk travel bonus. It was not supposed to end until I got my offer letter.) I have not received an offer letter for the new position. I have not been given the paperwork for the travel card. I am doing the new job.

When I reached out to my DM who, thus far, has been very transparent about everything, he seemed upset by the unexpected changes. My job ID on my company profile was changed but it was changed to something completely different than what I was told it would be. All of the C-Suite, including him, are at the company summit this week. The longer this drags out the more nervous I am getting. I am my family’s sole source of income so walking away w out a plan B is not an option. I am floating my resume but I actually really like my job. I work in a field where I have the opportunity to impact people’s lives for the better. This is my first ‘corporate’ job. How can I address this with the least amount of damage? Any help is appreciated.

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