
How do I get eyes on a bad company that only exists in my state?

Please let me know if this isn't the right subreddit for this. There is a company that exists only in my state, they have multiple different types of businesses across the state and employ a lot, A LOT of people. But I have no idea how they can operate the way that they do. The turnover rate is astounding and there's lots of speculation amongst employees in every sector that it's so they don't have to pay out benefits/shares, etc. Their employee reviews on glass door are horrific, everyone I talk to that works for them or has worked for them is 100% willing to talk about how awful it is to work for them. A few examples that I've seen firsthand after working for the company twice (once starting in 2018 and again about a year ago.)- Pay- I made $10 an hour to start in 2018. When I…

Please let me know if this isn't the right subreddit for this.

There is a company that exists only in my state, they have multiple different types of businesses across the state and employ a lot, A LOT of people.

But I have no idea how they can operate the way that they do.
The turnover rate is astounding and there's lots of speculation amongst employees in every sector that it's so they don't have to pay out benefits/shares, etc.
Their employee reviews on glass door are horrific, everyone I talk to that works for them or has worked for them is 100% willing to talk about how awful it is to work for them.

A few examples that I've seen firsthand after working for the company twice (once starting in 2018 and again about a year ago.)-

Pay- I made $10 an hour to start in 2018. When I came back a year ago the pay was still only $10.45 after covid and all the inflation and everything.
I was told we were owed cost of living pay increases but we never saw them.

Policy- This is a big one but just because I'm convinced they have a team that only writes new policy. Or they have to, because they come out with new policy that everyone is to read and sign off on at least a few times a month and that just adds to the 5 completely full 3 ring binders full of policy you have to completely read through and take tests on before you can even start.
And if anyone messes up big at any location across the state everyone has to go back and read policy again.

My big issue with this one is a policy they passed just before I quit the last time. We had cubbies at work for our things and it was a tipped job.
The new policy stated that any money left on the premises anywhere (including our personal cubbies where we kept our own things, snacks, feminine products, extra chargers, brushes, mints or whatever) was company property.
Meaning if you wanted to keep a few dollars in your cubby in case you needed something at work and didn't have any money that day; if they found it at night it belonged to the company and you would not get it back.

Same thing with “found money” which is basically if you find a penny or any kind of money whatsoever on the floor you had to log it into your till as “found money” that belongs to the company. If they saw you pocket it, you could be fired for theft.

HOWEVER if you get threatened at work or someone steals or causes a ruckus you have to jump through every single chain of command and 5miles of red tape to be able to tell them to leave if they come back.

Our maintenance person drove their personal vehicle to pull the trailer at work when the company's 4×4 broke and the company wouldn't pay for it to get fixed properly; and not only did they not pay for their gas but they “reimbursed” them for months of that with a $5 gift card to the store. That person almost quit and i cant believe they didnt.

There is so much more, I could go on and on and on.

I just feel like the company is so huge I wish someone would call them out. I'm only one person and I can't do much on my own, but I feel like some HEAVY public scrutiny would do so much good.

I have honestly never seen so many different people cry at one place of work in my entire life and I work in a bar now.
Like, man, there's no reason so many of your employees should be bawling and panicking while they're on the clock for you that's horrifying. I saw almost every single one of my managers cry and we went through a few of them.
And I don't even blame them. They have to hire upper management outside the company because everyone on the bottom has seen that and will not move up.

It is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

And it sucks even more because the jobs themselves would be totally fine if corporate wasn't the way that they are.

Any advice is so appreciated and again please let me know if there's a better subreddit for this because this has bothered me for so long and I have no idea how to go about it.

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