
How do I get my coworker to change the damn subject?

I got a new job recently as a security guard. Has been decent so far. I get along with everyone and has been going well enough. Except for the guy they have training me. ( we'll call M). M has been fine for the most part. And I don't want to lead people into believing that I'm going down a MAGA hole. That's not where this is going. M is a 2nd generation immigrant. Who is very religious. And pretty much wevery 3rd sentence he says is something to do with God. Me: Hey M how are you doing today? M: Doing great my man. No bad days with God on your side. Me: hey man, what do we do if someone does -insert potential issue for security- M: oh no problem you call it in to dispatch as code x and do this. But don't worry man, I'm here…

I got a new job recently as a security guard. Has been decent so far. I get along with everyone and has been going well enough.

Except for the guy they have training me. ( we'll call M). M has been fine for the most part. And I don't want to lead people into believing that I'm going down a MAGA hole. That's not where this is going.

M is a 2nd generation immigrant. Who is very religious. And pretty much wevery 3rd sentence he says is something to do with God.

Me: Hey M how are you doing today?

M: Doing great my man. No bad days with God on your side.

Me: hey man, what do we do if someone does -insert potential issue for security-
M: oh no problem you call it in to dispatch as code x and do this. But don't worry man, I'm here for a reason, God wants me here. We'll be OK.

Me: Hey M how was your weekend?

M: it's all great thanks to God!

M: you don't believe?
Me: No, I believe in something else.

M: That's OK man, I'll convince you.

I am an atheist in the midst of inventing my own belief structure. I've had the conversations about faith over and over and really don't want to get mean. He is not trying to be unreasonable, this ismuch moreof a cultural clash than a 'holy-warrior' situation. And he has not said or done anything that would amount to my needing to go to HR. I have no desire to get him in trouble for having his faith and being open about it. There is a language barrier at some points where I know I'm talking too quickly or he misses what I mean when I say I have a different experience. He has been respectful and is non confrontational. Just always on about the God thing.

Soon I will be done shadowing him and will be cut loose on my own and will only have to see him to relive post on occasion. But even that two minutes of debrief is enough for him to slip God into the conversation.

How can I get him to change the subject?

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