
how do I go about striking a “small” business?

I currently work part time at a busy liquor store that considers themselves to be a small business. this liquor store has been around for many years and is in an upscale neighborhood, and the owners two brothers that are millionaires who also own a fancy restaurant. the managers are fooled into thinking that they are a humble family owned business or something. family owned, yes , but clearly they are extremely greedy and do not give the stockers and cashiers living wages. I make minimum wage and so does most of the people working there, even after being employed there over a year. the sign says now hiring and that there’s a “competitive” starting rate. minwage is not a competitive start rate. I am going to ask for a raise next time I go in, but I feel like the raise still won’t be a living wage. I want…

I currently work part time at a busy liquor store that considers themselves to be a small business. this liquor store has been around for many years and is in an upscale neighborhood, and the owners two brothers that are millionaires who also own a fancy restaurant.
the managers are fooled into thinking that they are a humble family owned business or something. family owned, yes , but clearly they are extremely greedy and do not give the stockers and cashiers living wages.
I make minimum wage and so does most of the people working there, even after being employed there over a year. the sign says now hiring and that there’s a “competitive” starting rate. minwage is not a competitive start rate.
I am going to ask for a raise next time I go in, but I feel like the raise still won’t be a living wage. I want all my coworkers to get raises to and I dont want to have to “prove” to them that I’m somehow a better worker than anyone else there.
another thing is that theyre short staffed and it would be very hard for them to fire everybody and hire new people if we face harsh consequences for striking. the only thing is that the managers would not be in on it and they could temporarily just have the managers work a lot until they find new people.

one of my good friends just got hired there after after being unemployed for awhile, I gave her the application. they started her off with $0.87 per hour than me for some reason,
little did the managers know that she was my friend and were very surprised when I told them that after she started working there. then I was told that I need to speak to the owner of the store in order to get a raise, a person who I’ve never interacted with once during my entire time working there.
Im pissed off and I can quit if I want to , I have a second job as an exotic dancer now to fall back on. but I’m wondering if I have a shot at organizing a strike at this place because I want my coworkers to be fairly compensated for their time. Ive talked to most of the other workers there and they agree that they arent being paid enough, especially the people that work there full time. what are my rights in this situation and does any one have some advice on this subject?

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