
How do I handle an appraisal for a company I’m deeply unhappy working for?

I’ve had plenty of appraisals before but have never been too worried about them – sometimes I’ve been slightly nervous but only what I would consider the average amount. However I have an appraisal coming up soon but I hate my company and it’s making me so nervous, I just don’t know how to approach it. I’ve worked here for years and always enjoyed it until about a year ago when a new MD joined. Since he joined budgets have been cut so much that it makes it almost impossible to do my job well – I can’t afford sufficient staffing, make repairs or buy supplies that we desperately need. The MD is also disliked across the company – he’s not approachable and likes to rule by fear. How do I answer questions like what do I like and dislike about the company when I no longer like anything and…

I’ve had plenty of appraisals before but have never been too worried about them – sometimes I’ve been slightly nervous but only what I would consider the average amount.

However I have an appraisal coming up soon but I hate my company and it’s making me so nervous, I just don’t know how to approach it. I’ve worked here for years and always enjoyed it until about a year ago when a new MD joined. Since he joined budgets have been cut so much that it makes it almost impossible to do my job well – I can’t afford sufficient staffing, make repairs or buy supplies that we desperately need. The MD is also disliked across the company – he’s not approachable and likes to rule by fear.

How do I answer questions like what do I like and dislike about the company when I no longer like anything and my dislike is the MD who will be carrying out my appraisal?

I can’t list an achievement cause I’ve not been allowed to achieve anything, I’m barely treading water. Any improvements or projects I’ve suggested have constantly been shut down.

My only goal is to leave (something I’m working hard on but it’s a bad time in my industry at the moment annoyingly).

I desperately need advice on how to get through this and antiwork seems to be the place cause my work ticks all the antiwork stereotypes!

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