
How do I know if I can go to the labor board?

I used to work as a receptionist for a dental company. On my first week there, the manager told me not to discuss pay, but I don’t remember her bringing up any consequences for doing so. I also don’t think I have any copies of the “handbook” that might mirror this. I know it’s a federally protected right to talk about wages, but if all I have is a verbal statement telling me to be quiet, what can I do, if anything?

I used to work as a receptionist for a dental company. On my first week there, the manager told me not to discuss pay, but I don’t remember her bringing up any consequences for doing so. I also don’t think I have any copies of the “handbook” that might mirror this.

I know it’s a federally protected right to talk about wages, but if all I have is a verbal statement telling me to be quiet, what can I do, if anything?

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