
How do I know when it’s quitting time?

Little context, I'm working at my first full time job out of college and have been there just over a year now. Without too many details it's a basic accounting/billing job that has me cooped up in a cubicle all day. And I just gotta say, I hate every second of it. ​ I think I'm reasonably good at my job, I've even got a promotion a few months ago. But that doesn't matter to me really I just can't stand this work or spending my entire day sitting on my ass at a cubicle all day. Not to mention how lethargic that itself makes me I'm not used to so little physical activity in my day to day. ​ I don't know what I wanna do. This is the best paying job I've ever had but it's putting me in such a stressed and overall crappy mood. And then…

Little context, I'm working at my first full time job out of college and have been there just over a year now. Without too many details it's a basic accounting/billing job that has me cooped up in a cubicle all day. And I just gotta say, I hate every second of it.

I think I'm reasonably good at my job, I've even got a promotion a few months ago. But that doesn't matter to me really I just can't stand this work or spending my entire day sitting on my ass at a cubicle all day. Not to mention how lethargic that itself makes me I'm not used to so little physical activity in my day to day.

I don't know what I wanna do. This is the best paying job I've ever had but it's putting me in such a stressed and overall crappy mood. And then what if I quit? I just get a new job somewhere and end up the exact same? Sometimes I worry I'll just be unhappy with any job.

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