
How do I plan a minor strike at my workplace?

I’m a recent college graduate, currently working at my local hospital while I search for a long-term career. But isn’t really important. Most of us janitors currently make 12 dollars an hour, and we are frequently understaffed. Not that the work is grueling to make up for lost productivity; it’s actually not too difficult or strenuous. But the average rate for hospital janitors in our area is $15 per hour, which is why turnover is so high. I’m planning to get several other janitors to declare a strike until we get $15 per hour. But I don’t know how it should actually be handled. Do we talk to our supervisors about it, or someone in a higher position? Should we give them a few days ultimatum before striking? Stuff like that. I’d appreciate any advice, since I’ve never tried anything like this before.

I’m a recent college graduate, currently working at my local hospital while I search for a long-term career. But isn’t really important. Most of us janitors currently make 12 dollars an hour, and we are frequently understaffed. Not that the work is grueling to make up for lost productivity; it’s actually not too difficult or strenuous. But the average rate for hospital janitors in our area is $15 per hour, which is why turnover is so high.

I’m planning to get several other janitors to declare a strike until we get $15 per hour. But I don’t know how it should actually be handled. Do we talk to our supervisors about it, or someone in a higher position? Should we give them a few days ultimatum before striking? Stuff like that. I’d appreciate any advice, since I’ve never tried anything like this before.

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