
How Do I Quit My Job Right After Starting?

so to preface I just took this job as a last resort because I've been desperate for a job since I was laid off from my last job. I got hired on seasonally just last week and it's not what I wanted or was expecting at all. I showed up to my first shift, after my one day training the week prior (that was a 2 hour commute btw, and then my shift location is a 1 and a half hour commute) just to be told since it was slow I had no work assigned to me that day, 20 minutes before I was supposed to clock in. I was told this could happen before I started because of the nature of the job, some days are slower than others so I wouldn't be guaranteed work everyday but not on such short notice?? I applied for a part time position…

so to preface I just took this job as a last resort because I've been desperate for a job since I was laid off from my last job. I got hired on seasonally just last week and it's not what I wanted or was expecting at all. I showed up to my first shift, after my one day training the week prior (that was a 2 hour commute btw, and then my shift location is a 1 and a half hour commute) just to be told since it was slow I had no work assigned to me that day, 20 minutes before I was supposed to clock in. I was told this could happen before I started because of the nature of the job, some days are slower than others so I wouldn't be guaranteed work everyday but not on such short notice?? I applied for a part time position not an on call position. And then today I was so extremely ill there was no way I could show up to work even if I wanted to and it was only my second day, I had to give short notice (about an hour or so before) and I got told I have to let them know earlier if I'm going to call in but I have to show up to work and be turned away 20 minutes before I'm supposed to clock in? I get needing to give a good notice to call in sick and it looks bad on my second day but come on. That plus the hiring process was just a shit show. Just know if a job ever hires you on the spot do your research and/or run very very far away because 9 times out of 10 it's because they have an insane turnover rate which is usually not a good thing. I got barely any training, our instructor was 20 minutes late to that training shift as well when we were told to show up 15 minutes early, I was emailed someone else's job acceptance letter. Just all of these things have felt so unprofessional yet they hold their employees to such high standards when it comes to professionalism and punctuality. I just feel like I've made a bad impression and I was given a bad impression and now I don't know if this job is worth it. It's not a lot of hours a week, I'm only hired until January, I want to start my college courses this winter, and I have a possible different job opportunity with better hours, better environment, and more accomodating in the works coming up here soon, plus being deathly ill this week I just don't think it's a good fit for me. I have no idea how to go about quitting. I honestly don't think I can show up tomorrow because of how ill and anxious I am. I'm also unsure about how I return my uniform and company phone. I dont know how to go about returning company electronics. I don't wanna just no show but I don't wanna give two weeks knowing I can't even work this week because of illness. I'm just unsure what my next course of action should be in this situation. I'm just feeling very frustrated and unhappy with my experience so far with this job and all I know is I don't want to go back.

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