
How do I stop my self from calling out a lot?

So every since Ive pretty much had to work I've been so awful about going in I've been fired from multiple jobs for missing to much and I've had a few relationships end because of it. Im thirty now and I thought maybe this was just young age and being immature but it seems to be much deeper then that. I have to lie to people all the time so they don't think I'm a lazy POS for struggling to go in or why I got let go or “left a job” the only job I've had for longer then a year is my current job and to be honest the only reason I've made it this far is because I have a FMLA I abuse some times. I've also almost completely ruined my current relationship over not going into work cuz Im constantly broke and lying about going in…

So every since Ive pretty much had to work I've been so awful about going in I've been fired from multiple jobs for missing to much and I've had a few relationships end because of it. Im thirty now and I thought maybe this was just young age and being immature but it seems to be much deeper then that. I have to lie to people all the time so they don't think I'm a lazy POS for struggling to go in or why I got let go or “left a job” the only job I've had for longer then a year is my current job and to be honest the only reason I've made it this far is because I have a FMLA I abuse some times. I've also almost completely ruined my current relationship over not going into work cuz Im constantly broke and lying about going in and it's starting to catch up to me.

I don't live with my so because I got kicked out the house for not going into work which is understandable and get why everyone gets so upset with me for not going in and I don't blame them ether.

I get the way I am isnt sustainable and is going to upset a lot of people I'm around but I honestly don't know what to do where to go who to talk to and I can't for the love of God break this cycle I've been stuck in for so long. I've tried retail, call centers, working at home, restaurants, sells and construction and I've not gave two shits for any of them so I know it's not the type of jobs I've done or do it's just me.

If anyone has any advice or anything that could help I would really appreciate it and this may not be common but I want to do better and fix this stupidity any way possible.

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