
How do I survive the rest of my notice period?

In NZ it’s common practice for employees to give 4 week’s notice when quitting. Same generally goes for when an employer wants to make an employee redundant. This is usually after a certain period. Most least 3 months. If it’s before 3 months, you only have to give 2 weeks. I didn’t even last a month at this job before wanting to quit. They mislead me and basically catfished me. But I wanted to leave after the holidays. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I planned to give notice sooner so that my last day would be the start of December. Made the mistake of telling an employee that I reeeeally don’t trust that much these days. My bad. I mentioned that I was quitting to go back to uni. We’re a three person team, the other person is quitting too lol. Like at the same time as me. So…

In NZ it’s common practice for employees to give 4 week’s notice when quitting. Same generally goes for when an employer wants to make an employee redundant. This is usually after a certain period. Most least 3 months. If it’s before 3 months, you only have to give 2 weeks.

I didn’t even last a month at this job before wanting to quit. They mislead me and basically catfished me. But I wanted to leave after the holidays. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I planned to give notice sooner so that my last day would be the start of December.

Made the mistake of telling an employee that I reeeeally don’t trust that much these days. My bad. I mentioned that I was quitting to go back to uni. We’re a three person team, the other person is quitting too lol. Like at the same time as me. So the untrustworthy person convinced me to give me notice sooner so that they could find someone to replace me so that she didn’t have to take on all the work alone. I didn’t want to give notice too early because I wanted to give two weeks before my three months was up. The work volume even with three people is high. Which is part of the reason I leaving.

So, I gave notice and they told untrustworthy co worker was told that they will not be replacing me at all and won’t be replacing the other person until march. Lol I feel like this is karma. All the micro managing and ass kissing she was doing and now for the next few months, she’ll be doing the work of 3-4 people.

I hate this place. The company is kind of small, they couldn’t care less about anyone. I’m burned out and experience extreme anxiety and depression now. I’m halfway through my 4 week notice. How the fuck do survive without literally going insane?

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