
How do I tell my boss I’m done going above and beyond?

Hi! I am currently working as an intern in a STEM field, and have been going above and beyond (working 40+ hours per week, doing the same tasks as full time employees in terms of projects, and staying late most days to ensure everything is done) on top of being in school. My goal is to get a full time job here after I finish my masters, which is why I have put forth so much effort. I have noticed that other interns do not try nearly as 10th as much as me. I have realized that I don’t think it’s fair that I am expected to do so much more work from our bosses while we have the same position and are paid the same. I was recently spoken to by my boss about how It has come to her attention that one of the responsibilities I have been…

Hi! I am currently working as an intern in a STEM field, and have been going above and beyond (working 40+ hours per week, doing the same tasks as full time employees in terms of projects, and staying late most days to ensure everything is done) on top of being in school. My goal is to get a full time job here after I finish my masters, which is why I have put forth so much effort.

I have noticed that other interns do not try nearly as 10th as much as me. I have realized that I don’t think it’s fair that I am expected to do so much more work from our bosses while we have the same position and are paid the same.

I was recently spoken to by my boss about how It has come to her attention that one of the responsibilities I have been covering for the other interns has not gotten done in a while. This confirms to me that if I am not the one performing these responsibilities, they don’t get done.

How do I tell my boss that i am frustrated with this and am wanting to start doing less.

Note: my peers have been working on their resumes & applying for other jobs on the clock while I am working almost 45-50 hours on top of school just to ensure everything gets done. They refuse to help me with simple tasks because “they’re busy” (with said job applications)

TLDR; I’ve been given responsibilities like that of a full time employee and have covered for all other interns who do nothing. How do I tell my boss I’m done doing so much?

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