
How do I tell my coworkers that I put in my notice?

Like title says. My last day of work is tomorrow and I haven't told any of my coworkers. I already had Friday and Saturday off, so it's not like they'll expect me. I expected my boss to tell them but he didn't, is it okay to just disappear into the wind? I don't hate them, just wouldn't consider any of them friends enough to keep in touch. This is my first time quitting a job so I'm in new territory here. ETA Context: I work in a supermarket, I've only worked here since May. We don't live in the greatest area, so I would honestly be a little worried that my coworkers would think something bad could've happened. My manager told us when another coworker quit, hence why I thought he might tell them about me.

Like title says. My last day of work is tomorrow and I haven't told any of my coworkers. I already had Friday and Saturday off, so it's not like they'll expect me. I expected my boss to tell them but he didn't, is it okay to just disappear into the wind? I don't hate them, just wouldn't consider any of them friends enough to keep in touch. This is my first time quitting a job so I'm in new territory here.
ETA Context:
I work in a supermarket, I've only worked here since May. We don't live in the greatest area, so I would honestly be a little worried that my coworkers would think something bad could've happened. My manager told us when another coworker quit, hence why I thought he might tell them about me.

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