
How do people find time for hobbies while working a full time job?

I work 50 hours a week (10 am — 8 pm, 5 days a week) because we’re understaffed, soon i’ll be working with no days off at all because it’s the only way i can survive in this country (i’m from Russia). How do people find time for their hobbies or for learning something new while working a full time job? I miss actually being able to have the time and the energy for my hobbies, it feels like i’m just wasting my life away at work, i’m very depressed and when i come home i also need to do some housework (cooking, cleaning, etc), so i have absolutely zero time to do things i want. I can’t quit my job or get a better one, because first of all i’m in a lot of debt, and second of all i’m from a relatively small and poor city in Russia,…

I work 50 hours a week (10 am — 8 pm, 5 days a week) because we’re understaffed, soon i’ll be working with no days off at all because it’s the only way i can survive in this country (i’m from Russia). How do people find time for their hobbies or for learning something new while working a full time job? I miss actually being able to have the time and the energy for my hobbies, it feels like i’m just wasting my life away at work, i’m very depressed and when i come home i also need to do some housework (cooking, cleaning, etc), so i have absolutely zero time to do things i want. I can’t quit my job or get a better one, because first of all i’m in a lot of debt, and second of all i’m from a relatively small and poor city in Russia, where people don’t have that many job options to choose from. Well, unless you’re into some sketchy business, like being a plug or a scammer.

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