
How do people have kids? Is having kids still a thing?

Approaching my thirties and people ask me about when I’m having kids. With what time and money tho? How do people work 40+ hours a week with kids in today’s economy? I make a “middle-class” income and can barley support myself due to rent and bills alone. My work schedule is disgusting I’m allotted no personal time as with everyone else at the company. So how are people responsible for additional humans other than themselves? Do they even have kids anymore?

Approaching my thirties and people ask me about when I’m having kids. With what time and money tho? How do people work 40+ hours a week with kids in today’s economy? I make a “middle-class” income and can barley support myself due to rent and bills alone. My work schedule is disgusting I’m allotted no personal time as with everyone else at the company. So how are people responsible for additional humans other than themselves? Do they even have kids anymore?

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