
How do so few people know their rights?

I come on here because I agree with the sentiments. It’s a little disheartening to see so many unhappy workers in the United States and I understand completely. I’ve been there too. What I don’t understand is how so few people recognize illegal actions by employers, especially basic stuff. Refusing to allow employees to take breaks, use the bathroom, eat or drink, or take sick time off are all common themes. These are all rights that were won for us in the industrial revolution and should be ingrained in our minds as our basic human rights.

I come on here because I agree with the sentiments. It’s a little disheartening to see so many unhappy workers in the United States and I understand completely. I’ve been there too. What I don’t understand is how so few people recognize illegal actions by employers, especially basic stuff. Refusing to allow employees to take breaks, use the bathroom, eat or drink, or take sick time off are all common themes. These are all rights that were won for us in the industrial revolution and should be ingrained in our minds as our basic human rights.

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