
How Do You Act Your Wage?

How do you act your wage, practically speaking? Examples? Tips? I know people have said just do work according to your contract, but what if you’re not a contract employee? Has anyone been in a position where your boss won’t “let” you act your wage? After years of hard work, I didn’t get a promotion even after doing all the extras and helping anyone I could. The person I split work with got promoted instead and I got a lousy 1% raise. I decided from then on I would act my wage and just do the bare minimum. Since then my boss let us know they wouldn’t be replacing my coworker and reworked assigned tasks so I now have to cover my coworker’s old workload. He also took the tasks that were split by the entire team and put those on me too. All the things I did to help…

How do you act your wage, practically speaking? Examples? Tips?

I know people have said just do work according to your contract, but what if you’re not a contract employee?

Has anyone been in a position where your boss won’t “let” you act your wage?

After years of hard work, I didn’t get a promotion even after doing all the extras and helping anyone I could. The person I split work with got promoted instead and I got a lousy 1% raise. I decided from then on I would act my wage and just do the bare minimum. Since then my boss let us know they wouldn’t be replacing my coworker and reworked assigned tasks so I now have to cover my coworker’s old workload. He also took the tasks that were split by the entire team and put those on me too. All the things I did to help others are also now an expectation as well. It’s hard to do the bare minimum when the goal post for the bare minimum keeps moving. My intention was to use the extra time to maybe job hunt or learn a new skill to help me get a new position. But now my time is completely booked to the point I don’t have enough time in the day to finish everything now required of me and I’m exhausted at the end of the day.

Has anyone ever been in this position? How do you act your wage in this situation?

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