
How do you deal with a rude Supervisor?

Please forgive me if this is long but im just really upset. I'm getting really stressed in my new position at an insurance company. My new supervisor hasn't been very unwelcoming to me to the team since the beginning. There's things I notice about his management styles that I have not seen before within our company (I'm an internal transfer). He calls us out in the group chat instead of sending us side pings, which I think is unprofessional. Like we will get messages @someone saying why are you doing …..?! Or @someone, get back into this or that. Not to mention a lot of the times he has called us out cause she didn't even check properly. He gets very irritable and screams at the team through the text like YOU ARE NOT TO DO XYZ, because…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a certain policy has changed instead of sending out reminders or…

Please forgive me if this is long but im just really upset.

I'm getting really stressed in my new position at an insurance company. My new supervisor hasn't been very unwelcoming to me to the team since the beginning. There's things I notice about his management styles that I have not seen before within our company (I'm an internal transfer). He calls us out in the group chat instead of sending us side pings, which I think is unprofessional. Like we will get messages @someone saying why are you doing …..?! Or @someone, get back into this or that. Not to mention a lot of the times he has called us out cause she didn't even check properly. He gets very irritable and screams at the team through the text like YOU ARE NOT TO DO XYZ, because…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a certain policy has changed instead of sending out reminders or an email for those who may have been out.

He's always hovering over us and micromanages us and it's so anxiety inducing because I feel like he's is always on our case for any slight error ….he's already typing you trying to call you out before you can even fix it.

He also started to create unnecessary rules … for example, I post my questions in the team chat and in the chat channel because the work I do is time sensitive and I don't want to give out misinformation or take too long and because there are times where I don't get an answer back from one and there are different people from support in the channels and chats so I figure if I post it in some of the other two so there's always someone who can give me an answer quickly so my work is not delayed. So someone saw my post and gave a quick hey I saw your question and answered it on the other channel for you and I say thanks so much. Here he comes right after with a big IMPORTANT!! Team you should only post you questions in one place cause it's a waste of time to post in multiple places. And I explained why I did that and asked if I can continue but just notate on my question if it was already answered… he said was NO and then his friend “another Sup” who likes to ride his dick jumps in to co sign like he just said no and removes me from the chat. There has been so much hostility and rudeness for absolutely no reason.

I use to be a supervisor and a trainer and I get that as a leader you have to enforce rules and make sure you're team is running smoothly but there's a way to approach your team and to talk to people and you don't have to be so controlling and intimidating. I'm new and im working as hard as I can to learn the information and I just feel discouraged at this point. I really want to change supervisors as my other teammates I trained with are not experiencing this on their team. I don't really know what to do or if I'm just overreacting.

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