
How do you deal with being in a maneger role, but not being paid or acknowledged for your role? Any advice would be appreciated!

To go into the details… I've been working at this company for a little over two years. Initially I was out of work for a while so there was some hesitation as to if they should hire me. Initially I came in excited to prove my worth. I did exactly that… atleast I believe I did. Not that this confirms it, but I'm always getting praise for the work I do. Given the nature of my personality and being someone who is performance driven, and always looking for the opportunity to understand something in depth… I get a lot of new task assign to me. Which I like. It prevents work from getting boring, and allows me to challenge myself in different ways. Those are not bad things. The problem is that in those two years that I've been here I've had exactly 0 promotions, my work load continues to…

To go into the details… I've been working at this company for a little over two years. Initially I was out of work for a while so there was some hesitation as to if they should hire me. Initially I came in excited to prove my worth. I did exactly that… atleast I believe I did. Not that this confirms it, but I'm always getting praise for the work I do. Given the nature of my personality and being someone who is performance driven, and always looking for the opportunity to understand something in depth… I get a lot of new task assign to me. Which I like. It prevents work from getting boring, and allows me to challenge myself in different ways. Those are not bad things. The problem is that in those two years that I've been here I've had exactly 0 promotions, my work load continues to get heavier, my manager comes to me for answers, and my managers boss constantly sends me task that are his job to handle. Ontop of that I am in charge of the more difficult portions of our department and my colleagues who work in the same department are constantly bombarding me with questions. Which note.. I don't hate because I want to help where I can. I recently asked for a raise and was denied and told that they could only do a certain amount. Luckily I have good friends in the company that work under the same department as I do and they both got double my raise. My boss told me that he takes my idea and presents it to the higher ups as if there were his ideas. Which all I want is for these things to be put into place so that our task can get done more efficiently. But at the same time if I were given credit it could've meant that I would actually get the raise I asked for. I want to leave and find employment somewhere else, but I would say that on paper I don't quite match my capabilities in real life. But unfortunately the paper is what people are looking at. Any advice on how I should go about managing this situation would be appreciated.

I think It's important to note that I am grateful for the opportunity I was given, because it allowed me to learn so much. But doing without incentive eventually gets difficult and bills don't get paid when someone says “good job”.

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