
How do you deal with being in the office minute to minute?

After nearly 4 blissful years I am finally being called back to the office, unexplained decision by top brass. I've been to the office a good number of times throughout the year and as an introvert it's always mind-numbing. Like most office jobs, I get my work done in about 3-4 hours total across the day, leaving a lot of downtime and pretending to be busy but I find this to be more mentally exhausting than actually working. The commute is frustrating and hurts my wallet, the loss of free time to commuting hurts too, having to socialise and make small talk I don't want to is draining but it's the slow crawl of time as I sit there pretending to be hard at work that absolutely kills me. It's not for a lack of trying, I offer to help others where I can, I take on extra projects, etc.…

After nearly 4 blissful years I am finally being called back to the office, unexplained decision by top brass. I've been to the office a good number of times throughout the year and as an introvert it's always mind-numbing. Like most office jobs, I get my work done in about 3-4 hours total across the day, leaving a lot of downtime and pretending to be busy but I find this to be more mentally exhausting than actually working. The commute is frustrating and hurts my wallet, the loss of free time to commuting hurts too, having to socialise and make small talk I don't want to is draining but it's the slow crawl of time as I sit there pretending to be hard at work that absolutely kills me. It's not for a lack of trying, I offer to help others where I can, I take on extra projects, etc. not that I care too much but it keeps the day moving. How do you stop yourself going absolutely insane?

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