
How do you deal with the cost of hobbies but also not having time to do them?

I find myself always day dreaming about the day I get to have my own little studio with materials to pursue my art hobbies, and how as a human I wouldn't have to be stuck in this BS capitalist hellscape system and just exist co-creating and contributing to a community instead. I used to be a really creative teenager and young adult who was always making things and I had the utmost patience and dedication to it, but, I didn't have bills to pay, I didn't have to work – and coming from a somewhat privileged family, my “only” obligations were to study. All the free time was for myself. I have one particular hobby that I never put on hold but that's because it's my absolute passion and I also make some money from it every once in a while. But everything else, it's always a matter of money…

I find myself always day dreaming about the day I get to have my own little studio with materials to pursue my art hobbies, and how as a human I wouldn't have to be stuck in this BS capitalist hellscape system and just exist co-creating and contributing to a community instead.

I used to be a really creative teenager and young adult who was always making things and I had the utmost patience and dedication to it, but, I didn't have bills to pay, I didn't have to work – and coming from a somewhat privileged family, my “only” obligations were to study. All the free time was for myself.

I have one particular hobby that I never put on hold but that's because it's my absolute passion and I also make some money from it every once in a while. But everything else, it's always a matter of money and time.

If I have the time, it's because I'm working less, therefore, I shouldn't indulge in buying tools to execute my hobbies, but if I am working more and making decent money, I'm mentally and physically exhausted by the time I get home that I just want to doom scroll and talk to my partner and friends.

This frustrates me because I feel like I need to add some more meaning to how I spend my time but every time I start, life and work gets in the way and I put it on pause and it just puts a strain on my creative process and it's almost impossible to pick it up back where I stopped.

How does one deal with this?

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