
how do you entertain yourself at a boring job?

i have a customer service job at a museum, and this often involves standing in one spot for hours on end in case people have questions (95% of the time just “where’s the bathroom” or “where’s the exit”, i could be replaced by a sign with arrows), and to make sure everyone’s behaving themselves (no flash photography, don’t touch anything, pretty basic). it’s mind-numbingly, feet-achingly boring. i feel like an npc but hey, a check’s a check. i’m young and not qualified for much else. any ideas to avoid hallucinating from staring at the wall too long?

i have a customer service job at a museum, and this often involves standing in one spot for hours on end in case people have questions (95% of the time just “where’s the bathroom” or “where’s the exit”, i could be replaced by a sign with arrows), and to make sure everyone’s behaving themselves (no flash photography, don’t touch anything, pretty basic). it’s mind-numbingly, feet-achingly boring. i feel like an npc but hey, a check’s a check. i’m young and not qualified for much else. any ideas to avoid hallucinating from staring at the wall too long?

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