
How do you feel about lying?

I've seen a lot of posts here advising others to not share personal details of their lives with their employer/coworkers. I understand the sentiment completely, as I was burned a long time go by an overly friendly manager who used my struggles against me. Fast forward to today, I lie about all my personal info. What I did for the weekend, information about my partner and family, personal interests, employment history. I lie about it ALL. I make shit up just to entertain myself and see if I can entertain the crowd so to speak. Now I do try to remember my lies to create somewhat of a cohesive storyline, but if I get caught i just lie my way of out it. Nothing i say holds any real weight. I'm damn good at my job and I believe that should be enough, but people have always expected more. Share…

I've seen a lot of posts here advising others to not share personal details of their lives with their employer/coworkers. I understand the sentiment completely, as I was burned a long time go by an overly friendly manager who used my struggles against me. Fast forward to today, I lie about all my personal info. What I did for the weekend, information about my partner and family, personal interests, employment history. I lie about it ALL. I make shit up just to entertain myself and see if I can entertain the crowd so to speak. Now I do try to remember my lies to create somewhat of a cohesive storyline, but if I get caught i just lie my way of out it. Nothing i say holds any real weight. I'm damn good at my job and I believe that should be enough, but people have always expected more. Share more, hang out with your coworkers more, fit in more! My solution to this: lying. It keeps my personal information safe without being ostracized for not being social. Have any of you tried something similar? Any lies of yours that have become crowd favorites?

Edits:spelling error

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