
How do you know when you need to move on?

I've been in my current job for about 2 years. Since I started things have changed a lot. To the point where my job now has a lot more responsibilities than it did when I first started I also have direct reports now because the team has grown and it 'made sense', Despite being very clear I didn't want to move into management. My pay has not gone up. But it's my boss that's the real issue. She's sugar sweet on the surface, plays the game and looks good to her higher ups. She says the right things but doesn't mean them, and if you ask for help it's 50/50 on if she actually does or just tells yiu to figure it out. My confidence is lower than it has been in ages. I'm scared to speak up because of the power this woman has over me. She relies on…

I've been in my current job for about 2 years. Since I started things have changed a lot. To the point where my job now has a lot more responsibilities than it did when I first started

I also have direct reports now because the team has grown and it 'made sense', Despite being very clear I didn't want to move into management. My pay has not gone up.

But it's my boss that's the real issue. She's sugar sweet on the surface, plays the game and looks good to her higher ups. She says the right things but doesn't mean them, and if you ask for help it's 50/50 on if she actually does or just tells yiu to figure it out.

My confidence is lower than it has been in ages. I'm scared to speak up because of the power this woman has over me.

She relies on me a lot, but never seems to notice when I do something well, only when something doesn't go according to plan. She also holds me to a higher standard than the rest of the team.

I don't like working with her. But how do I know if I'm burned out and need a holiday, or just need to move on?

I work from home 100% of the time and I rely on it because I'm autistic. I don't know if another employer would let me do that.

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