
How do you prepare when you have a feeling you are going to get fired?

I work for a real estate firm as an appraiser and my job is basically to look at properties and tell the company how much the property is worth. Me and another co worker started at the same time and our probationary period is almost up in 2 week. As I was working today, I herd my manager mention that he has a few interviews to do for this week for our department . Between me and the other co worker, I tend to be a bit slower with my work but I don’t make a whole lot of mistakes. The other coworker tends to be a bit faster with his work but tends to make a few more mistakes than me. It’s kinda hard to explain but every time someone makes a mistake, it cost our company a few thousand dollars so make it a point to be as…

I work for a real estate firm as an appraiser and my job is basically to look at properties and tell the company how much the property is worth. Me and another co worker started at the same time and our probationary period is almost up in 2 week. As I was working today, I herd my manager mention that he has a few interviews to do for this week for our department . Between me and the other co worker, I tend to be a bit slower with my work but I don’t make a whole lot of mistakes. The other coworker tends to be a bit faster with his work but tends to make a few more mistakes than me. It’s kinda hard to explain but every time someone makes a mistake, it cost our company a few thousand dollars so make it a point to be as accurate as possible with our work. I guess the bright side to all of this is despite me being slower and making less mistakes, my manager has complimented on the work I do.

Assuming I will get fired before my probation ends, i will be looking on indeed and LinkedIn today and I will definitely take unemployment while searching for another job.

Does anyone have else have any other tips to prepare for a situation like this ? I also live in Florida .

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