
How do you provide 3 references when you don’t have any?

I'm trying to get a new job since my current one sucks. We're understaffed so I have to do a bunch of extra work and I'm not even getting paid extra. Friday, I got stuck at my job till 12 at night worried af the entire time because my cat was going to get his insulin extremely late, and I had no idea how it was going to affect him. My manager kept nagging at things she wanted me to do before I clocked out, even after I told her I needed to head home asap. So long story short, I'm resigning. I'm trying to apply to some student jobs on my campus, I’ll be closer to my home that way too. The thing is, I need 3 references,(one of them being some sort of supervisor ), and I have zero. My manager sucks and knows I don’t like her,…

I'm trying to get a new job since my current one sucks. We're understaffed so I have to do a bunch of extra work and I'm not even getting paid extra. Friday, I got stuck at my job till 12 at night worried af the entire time because my cat was going to get his insulin extremely late, and I had no idea how it was going to affect him. My manager kept nagging at things she wanted me to do before I clocked out, even after I told her I needed to head home asap. So long story short, I'm resigning.

I'm trying to apply to some student jobs on my campus, I’ll be closer to my home that way too. The thing is, I need 3 references,(one of them being some sort of supervisor ), and I have zero. My manager sucks and knows I don’t like her, so I doubt it’ll be a good idea to use her for a reference. I’m trying to ask one of my professors who I’m close with if she could be a reference, but other than her I’d need another 2 people. Could I just ask friends to be a reference for me? I have no ideas.

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