
How do you sell yourself?

Disclaimer: not based in the US, I'm based in Belgium. I don't know if my autism is related to this. But I don't know how to sell myself during job interviews. Been out (burn out) since March last year and lost my job. I have been looking for another job that would fit me. For years I worked in supermarkets (got in trouble for my resting bitch face which is my neutral expression), call center (really can't deal with open office environments and mini deadlines all the time), and flex desk environments. I feel typecast since the majority of my work experiences are short (less than 2 years) and in menial jobs (supermarkets etc). I know my strength lies in administrative work, but I can't seem to sell myself. Everytime they turn to my resume and ask why I have so many jobs and some for a short time and…

Disclaimer: not based in the US, I'm based in Belgium.

I don't know if my autism is related to this. But I don't know how to sell myself during job interviews.

Been out (burn out) since March last year and lost my job. I have been looking for another job that would fit me. For years I worked in supermarkets (got in trouble for my resting bitch face which is my neutral expression), call center (really can't deal with open office environments and mini deadlines all the time), and flex desk environments.

I feel typecast since the majority of my work experiences are short (less than 2 years) and in menial jobs (supermarkets etc). I know my strength lies in administrative work, but I can't seem to sell myself. Everytime they turn to my resume and ask why I have so many jobs and some for a short time and I don't seem to find a good answer for them. The jobs were often interim based so I seem like a job hopper which I really don't want to be. I either tell them I haven't found the right fit, or that most jobs were interim and that my interest lies in administrative work which was missing from a lot of the jobs I had. But that doesn't appease them and from feedback I've heard that they deny me mostly for the fact that I've had those jobs so they are of the opinion that I'm not up for long term commitment. The jobs range from 6 months (minimum) to 5 years at a time.

I feel really bad, my benefits are going to be slashed soon because my co-housing situation is not recognized (and that means for them I need less money since there's someone else helping me out in their eyes). I have a lot of stress because of the co-housing (better on my own benefits wise but impossible to find something affordable) but have to look for a job because it's untenable financially (I eat 4 meals a week). I'll probably be homeless by March if this keeps up, because no one will rent to someone on benefits and even if I find a job next month the pay won't be enough to afford rent on my own.

Last week I went to the third and last round of an administrative job in a city near me. Through two test rounds we went from 58 candidates to 3. But that third and last round was a conversation with three people there, that felt like an interrogation and I failed hard. Questions such as: How did you prepare for this selection? What do you remember about our structure (that you found on our website)? Can you explain your work experience and why you have so many? What do you think your tasks will be in this job? … I am ashamed to admit I sort of blacked out on the structure thing when they asked me and I couldn't give a detailed answer.
I haven't heard from them yet, but will probably have a call today or later this week that they went with another candidate.

I didn't dare disclose that I have autism because I feared that would lower my chances even more, but maybe I should have?

How do you guys manage to sell yourself for a job you know you can do but haven't had a lot of experience in?

I also tried other jobs, I think working with animals would be great for me, they are easier than humans, but I don't have the right degree for that (I don't have a higher degree, flunked out because working part time and studying full time wasn't working for me). Tried to apply for those jobs (animal shelters, vet assistant) but as said don't have the required degree so that goes nowhere.
I actually dream of having a biodynamic farm where I grow all kinds of food for 100-150 people and where I make my own end products to sell (obviously not on my own, there'd be more people working there, but you get the idea). I know it's not possible without a degree and some good investors, but it's the only thing that kind of keeps me going these days, looking up information about it and making lists and layouts.

Right now, my only option I currently have is cleaning people's houses (only 13 hours a week, other tasks may have to be done is getting groceries, cooking, ironing) at minimum wage. That would still leave me with less than I do now when my benefits are slashed, but better than not working. But I don't want to do it. I don't feel it's beneath me, but the stress of time management and going to other people's houses (transport time is unpaid, which is the reason that the maximum amount of hours you can get at the firm is 30-32) and still not having enough to live on makes me not want to do it. And I also just really want a job I can actually manage to keep for years at a time instead of months.

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