
How does one quit?

Context: company is foreign-based and therefore think they can avoid US labor laws. As you can imagine, this comes with a whole host of issues that have caused such turmoil that I feel the need to resign. They require we be in office Monday-Friday 9-6pm. I'm 23 and this is my first full time job, been here for a year and a half. 2 weeks notice is obvious. But how does one do that? Verbally? A letter via email? Handing your boss a letter in person? If I should write a letter, how much reasoning should I provide? All opinions are welcome. I hate that it's had to come with this especially without anything guaranteed lined up but they've left me no choice. I've been mulling this over all year.

Context: company is foreign-based and therefore think they can avoid US labor laws. As you can imagine, this comes with a whole host of issues that have caused such turmoil that I feel the need to resign. They require we be in office Monday-Friday 9-6pm. I'm 23 and this is my first full time job, been here for a year and a half.

2 weeks notice is obvious. But how does one do that? Verbally? A letter via email? Handing your boss a letter in person?

If I should write a letter, how much reasoning should I provide?

All opinions are welcome. I hate that it's had to come with this especially without anything guaranteed lined up but they've left me no choice. I've been mulling this over all year.

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