
How does one score one of those cushy tech jobs where the office is like an adult playground and you make six figures doing basically nothing all day?

We’ve all seen the videos of silicon Valley employees where the offices are designed like giant fun-spaces for adults. The employees basically show up whenever they want, doing seemingly inconsequential tasks (took a meeting that had no intrinsic value, hung out in a board room doing nothing but socializing with the other lucky employees) take lunch at the super nice modern cafeteria with 3-star Michelin food, go unwind for a bit in the red room and then head home. Also they get paid a shitload as they have to make that much to afford living anywhere near Silicon Valley. Where do I put in my application?

We’ve all seen the videos of silicon Valley employees where the offices are designed like giant fun-spaces for adults. The employees basically show up whenever they want, doing seemingly inconsequential tasks (took a meeting that had no intrinsic value, hung out in a board room doing nothing but socializing with the other lucky employees) take lunch at the super nice modern cafeteria with 3-star Michelin food, go unwind for a bit in the red room and then head home. Also they get paid a shitload as they have to make that much to afford living anywhere near Silicon Valley. Where do I put in my application?

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