
How is it that a miniscule percentage of the population gets everything whilst the vast majority do absolutely nothing but roll over and take?

Like really? How is it possible that for the rest of our lives we will toil the majority of the time given to us in service to some piss-ant who will get all the benefits of our efforts and give us essentially nothing in return. My boss charges 250 an hour to the client for my time and effort and I get 30 of that. And my wage is considered to be relatively high. I work 5 days a week, am exhausted so the 2 days that are mine to live with how I see fit, are spent doing nothing but recover for one and running around trying to get everything done so that I can survive the next 5. Been like that for 25 years now, gonna be like that for another 30 till I have nothing more to give and I can finally die. When are we, the…

Like really? How is it possible that for the rest of our lives we will toil the majority of the time given to us in service to some piss-ant who will get all the benefits of our efforts and give us essentially nothing in return. My boss charges 250 an hour to the client for my time and effort and I get 30 of that. And my wage is considered to be relatively high. I work 5 days a week, am exhausted so the 2 days that are mine to live with how I see fit, are spent doing nothing but recover for one and running around trying to get everything done so that I can survive the next 5. Been like that for 25 years now, gonna be like that for another 30 till I have nothing more to give and I can finally die. When are we, the huddled masses, going to say Enough? When are we going to stop allowing ourselves to be so taken advantage of? When do we get to reap the rewards for our suffering, blood, sweat and tears? And finally, why do we allow the mega wealthy to continually fuck us over with no repercussions?

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