
How much longer can this shit go on for?

If this sub is anything to go by, and all the shit I see on social media and all the things my coworkers say, my friends, my old classmates, my girlfriend, etc is anything to go by, this world and this life is by now utter shit, utterly soul crushing, and utterly unsustainable. Most people are so fucking miserable all the time that the average person is an asshole in a way I never remember them being when I was a teen or even in my very early 20s, and I'm a New Yorker so if I'm telling you people are more assholish than I ever remember you know I mean it. My question is, how fucking long can this go on? If most people are bitter and miserable and hate how things are going and the only people who are okay with the status quo are like the wealthy…

If this sub is anything to go by, and all the shit I see on social media and all the things my coworkers say, my friends, my old classmates, my girlfriend, etc is anything to go by, this world and this life is by now utter shit, utterly soul crushing, and utterly unsustainable. Most people are so fucking miserable all the time that the average person is an asshole in a way I never remember them being when I was a teen or even in my very early 20s, and I'm a New Yorker so if I'm telling you people are more assholish than I ever remember you know I mean it.

My question is, how fucking long can this go on? If most people are bitter and miserable and hate how things are going and the only people who are okay with the status quo are like the wealthy and upper middle class (mostly white) people, how long can this realistically continue? And even among the rich, AFAIK most rich people understand how truly fucked they've made society and are largely doomers and preppers on some level, from your run of the mill small business owner to the Bill Gates's of the world, if even the owner class are becoming doomer pilled when does this nightmare rollercoaster finally end? When is enough enough and we get back our dignity as workers?

Because to me it looks like everyone who isn't a wall street investor or tech bro, from lawyers and doctors and nurses, to teacher and clerics and all types of civil servants, to baristas and tradesmen and retail workers, to even Hollywood writers and VFX artists and even actors, even people meant to maintain the system like soldiers and cops; every fucking body is burnt out, everyone hates the fucking system and the economy by now, everyone is pessimistic, and everyone despises work.

When does the horror end????

Said on my Friday morning before I have to teach my classes o7

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