
How much of a raise is learning a new job worth?

I recently started working at a gas station convenience store as a cashier, and it's been OK, plenty of free time, even with my bosses trying hard to find anything for me to do. But recently they've been talking about teaching me to work in the deli, and today they had me start making sandwiches for the first time, and when I asked about potential raises the assistant manager told me I could get an extra $1 per hour if I learned this department, wooooow I'm so excited. I haven't said shit bc I need this job, so I'll just lay low for the next 2 months and do what they tell me to, but this is insane. I'm fine sweeping the floor, and stocking shelves, they're annoying but they're things I expected to deal with, having worked as a cashier before, but this is an entirely different job than…

I recently started working at a gas station convenience store as a cashier, and it's been OK, plenty of free time, even with my bosses trying hard to find anything for me to do. But recently they've been talking about teaching me to work in the deli, and today they had me start making sandwiches for the first time, and when I asked about potential raises the assistant manager told me I could get an extra $1 per hour if I learned this department, wooooow I'm so excited.

I haven't said shit bc I need this job, so I'll just lay low for the next 2 months and do what they tell me to, but this is insane. I'm fine sweeping the floor, and stocking shelves, they're annoying but they're things I expected to deal with, having worked as a cashier before, but this is an entirely different job than what I was hired to do. I was never told I'd have to work with food while being hired, then they're just like “Oh yeah now time to learn how to make sandwiches.”

I'd say that's worth at least an extra $3 per hour but what would ya'll say?

Edit: And I'd have to wait more months than I intend to be here to get that extra $1 anyway.

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