
How should have I handled this situation at work?

I got called into my boss's office today because I was about 20 to 30 minutes late for more because of an accident on the road. It was on me not to text her saying that I was running late but with traffic and cops on the road I didn't want to get in trouble for texting and driving. I basically got a verbal warning. Here's the kicker though. I've seen employees leave an hour or so before the end of their shift because their work is done. The reasoning they're able to get away with that is because they have curated how long each assignment should take and even though they finish it earlier, they'll say it took them that amount of time. For example, if a project can be done in 15 minutes, they will say that they took an hour and no one questions them. I didn't…

I got called into my boss's office today because I was about 20 to 30 minutes late for more because of an accident on the road. It was on me not to text her saying that I was running late but with traffic and cops on the road I didn't want to get in trouble for texting and driving.

I basically got a verbal warning. Here's the kicker though. I've seen employees leave an hour or so before the end of their shift because their work is done. The reasoning they're able to get away with that is because they have curated how long each assignment should take and even though they finish it earlier, they'll say it took them that amount of time. For example, if a project can be done in 15 minutes, they will say that they took an hour and no one questions them. I didn't mention that to my boss, but I wonder would it be petty of me to send her an email or text message if I'm running three or four minutes late just to see how she would react? Should I bring that up to her that I know that employees are cooking the books in order to leave early? Should I do that?

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