
How should I call out?

I work at a small business pizza place in my town. I already put my two week in bc of the way I get treated at this job and I’m fed up. I had tickets to a concert with my friend/coworker that we’ve had since probably August/september. At my job, the schedule doesn’t get posted until about 2 days before the upcoming week (I know, stupid). So I gave my boss 3 weeks notice that my coworker and I would be gone Saturday (November 4th) and Sunday (November 5th). We already had the tickets AND we already booked the hotel room at the time bc he has told me in the past that as long as I give him enough heads up, my coworker and I can request the same weekend off. Disclaimer: my coworker and I are “assistant managers” all that really means is that we have a key…

I work at a small business pizza place in my town. I already put my two week in bc of the way I get treated at this job and I’m fed up.

I had tickets to a concert with my friend/coworker that we’ve had since probably August/september. At my job, the schedule doesn’t get posted until about 2 days before the upcoming week (I know, stupid). So I gave my boss 3 weeks notice that my coworker and I would be gone Saturday (November 4th) and Sunday (November 5th). We already had the tickets AND we already booked the hotel room at the time bc he has told me in the past that as long as I give him enough heads up, my coworker and I can request the same weekend off.

Disclaimer: my coworker and I are “assistant managers” all that really means is that we have a key to the store and can count drawers. Other than that, we do everyone else’s roles.

Three weeks ago, I told him we would be gone those days and I wrote it in our time off request book. About a week ago, my boss cornered me and told me he can’t have both of us take the same days off EVER bc he needs us to work. There is one other “assistant manager” and he did not request those days off. I told him that we already bought the tickets and booked the hotel room bc in the past he told me we could request the same days off with enough notice. He backtracked and said we couldn’t take the same weekend off. He never said we couldn’t do it this time though, so my coworker and I thought we’d be fine.

Schedule came out and I got Saturday off and my coworker got scheduled Saturday AND Sunday. My coworker texted my boss and told him we would be gone and he said “I already spoke to [me] about this. You guys cannot take the same weekends off. Thats why I scheduled you both late on Sunday.” He didn’t schedule us late on Sunday either. So since he didn’t acknowledge Saturday, my coworker just assumed Saturday was a misprint (he tends to mess the schedule up A LOT). And now here we are Sunday.

We went to the concert anyways bc at the time he told me about his new little “policy” we couldn’t get a refund on the tickets or the hotel. How should I call out for today?

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