
How should I phrase the reasoning for leaving my current company to a potential employer?

Hello all! I have been with my current company for just about a year now. After the first six months I was looking for a job, couldn't find anything worth pursuing and so I decided to wait it out until something popped up! My sister called me last week letting me know that her job is hiring for a position similar to mine but for better pay! I reached out with my resume yesterday and I have an interview with them on Friday and I'm INCREDIBLY nervous to say the least. I want to list some of the reasons I want to leave, and I would appreciate if you guys could help me make it sound more professional! Reasons for Wanting to Leave There's a butt plug welded onto a steel fixture in our supply closet. Being the only female within the two companies in the shared building, I find…

Hello all! I have been with my current company for just about a year now. After the first six months I was looking for a job, couldn't find anything worth pursuing and so I decided to wait it out until something popped up! My sister called me last week letting me know that her job is hiring for a position similar to mine but for better pay! I reached out with my resume yesterday and I have an interview with them on Friday and I'm INCREDIBLY nervous to say the least. I want to list some of the reasons I want to leave, and I would appreciate if you guys could help me make it sound more professional!

Reasons for Wanting to Leave

  1. There's a butt plug welded onto a steel fixture in our supply closet. Being the only female within the two companies in the shared building, I find it rather uncomfy. I've communicated it in the past to my employer and the other companies owner but both of them laughed it off and refused to remove it.
  2. The people that get employed never get background checks, which isn't always bad I truly enjoyed a bunch of the people I worked with, but it's placed me in some scenarios that I may need to seek out therapy about. (Examples below)
    1. The employee I was forced to share an office with had no idea how to control his anger and would oftentimes lash out at me when other people in the workplace frustrated him. He had horrific marital problems and would make very disgusting remarks toward me on an almost daily basis. He was dirty. Would brag about not talking showers for a week at a time. Would itch his ass hole and touch everything in the office (not on purpose but without sanitizing his hands or washing them). He would smell HORRIBLY. One day I was looking for a dead animal in the office (mice are a normal problem here) because it smelt like something died. Turned out it was his CLOTHES. He was fired earlier this year but I'm still getting the stench out of the office because we have 0 windows. He smelt of a combination of cigarettes, weed, and B.O.
    2. This employee was a sweet man… but being sweet only gets you so far. He was found hanging outside down in the supply closet by his scr*tum while on a grinder date after hours. He is no longer employed here.
    3. This employee entered the work place, on a 90 degree day mind you, in a puffer vest, dress shoes, aviators, and bermuda shorts to tell my employer he couldn't work because “a lot of people are going to die today”. He proceeded to ask one of my co-workers for ammo and let him know that he can't buy ammo because he was ARRESTED for carrying 2 loaded guns in public in the past. Yesterday someone called on his behalf to let us know that he was arrested for assaulting his neighbor and is currently in the psych ward. We also learned that he was smoking Ket*mine out of a cr*ck pipe in the parking lot prior to operating dangerous machinery. He is no longer employed here.
  3. The financial future of this business is… not too bright. I handle a majority of the back end here and so I see everything including their banking accounts. The owners are amazing and truly want nothing more than for this business to remain open and for people to remain employed, but we are just BARELY paying out payroll each pay period and it's getting to the point where I'm stressed if I'll be getting a paycheck.
  4. The commute. It's an hour one way, but recently with new traffic light patterns it has consistently turned into an hour and a half. I spend a total of 3 hours of my day driving. There is no reimbursement for the gas or tolls and so with the additional hour per day of driving I'm FLYING through gas (which isn't cheap)
  5. There is 0 mobility. The company, after recent cuts, is myself, the owner, and another employee. They have a lot of client orders to fulfill and only 2 people to do it. The position I'm in is the only one that will ever be available to me. However, since my position is “fixed” they just expand my duties, but never increase my base pay. Since the employee referenced in 2.c was fired, I some how managed to pick up the job of operating machines that I'm not familiar with at all (nor comfortable). My tasks have almost DOUBLED since I got here and I have seen no additional compensation. At first I was okay with it since the pay was WAY higher than anything I could find near me, but as the task list grew and my paycheck remained the same…. I figured something was a little wrong.
  6. I”m not sure how long this company is going to last. I get it. In this line of work there are ups and downs but we are down to 2 working employees and aren't bringing in many jobs… I don't see any kind of longevity in this operation and fear for my future job security.
  7. If I have a child (which is a very legitimate probability in the near future) I have 0 (ZERO) benefits. No PTO, no maternity leave, no insurance, nothing…

Thank you if you made it this far 🙂

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