
How should I put this?

Hey gang, I find myself in an odd spot and was wondering if some of you creative thinkers can assist. Just real quick context, I work at a forge where we are overworked and underappreciated hard. You couldn't find a happy employee if you tried. Every single person in management has no experience at all in this field…and there's 8 of them. Anyway, HR comes around one day and talks about a new charity program and we're looking for ideas. I have a history of putting together online tournaments for charities/competition. Decided if I were to do this, it would really help my image to the people who make decisions. Those people don't like me (see other post) Since then, our bosses have gotten strict AF because they suck at leading. We have been written up for the dumbest thing like coming back from break 5 minutes late. They are…

Hey gang, I find myself in an odd spot and was wondering if some of you creative thinkers can assist.

Just real quick context, I work at a forge where we are overworked and underappreciated hard. You couldn't find a happy employee if you tried. Every single person in management has no experience at all in this field…and there's 8 of them. Anyway, HR comes around one day and talks about a new charity program and we're looking for ideas. I have a history of putting together online tournaments for charities/competition. Decided if I were to do this, it would really help my image to the people who make decisions. Those people don't like me (see other post)

Since then, our bosses have gotten strict AF because they suck at leading. We have been written up for the dumbest thing like coming back from break 5 minutes late. They are awful but this last incident took the cake. We had a employee get hurt and fail a drug test and got fired. All of a sudden, some people notice that supervisors are peeking around corners to try to catch people doing shit. “Somebody” found a list of names and notes regarding the employee. As luck would have it out of 14 ppl on our shift they have been scrutinizing only 5….the only black people. Only there names were on the list. So we took pics of it sent it around, sent it to HR.

All that to say, fuck these people fuck this company. I'm not putting free time into organizing an event for this company. So I'm drafting an email I want to send to HR, I would love.some.cheeky things I could throw in there. Im.not doing extra free work for people who know nothing about the industry and is trying to bleed a rock.


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