
How should I tactfully tell a hiring manager I don’t appreciate the lack of respect for my time?

I'm (37f) a sahm. In my past professional life, I was a retail warrior. I worked in store-level senior management for about 12 years before not returning to the workforce after having pandemic babies. 5 years at a Fortune 500 office supply superstore and 6 years at a top 50 Fortune 500 home improvement company. To make ends meet in this bullshit economy, I applied at a major corporate coffee chain as a part time shift supervisor. I got a call back to schedule an interview 3 weeks after submitting my app. The assistant manager called me a half hour before my interview to reschedule because the store manager wasn't able to meet that day. Fine. I get it. Retail is unpredictable. We rescheduled for a week later. Unfortunately, I broke my foot the day before our rescheduled time. I called the SM from the ER to explain my situation…

I'm (37f) a sahm. In my past professional life, I was a retail warrior. I worked in store-level senior management for about 12 years before not returning to the workforce after having pandemic babies. 5 years at a Fortune 500 office supply superstore and 6 years at a top 50 Fortune 500 home improvement company.

To make ends meet in this bullshit economy, I applied at a major corporate coffee chain as a part time shift supervisor. I got a call back to schedule an interview 3 weeks after submitting my app. The assistant manager called me a half hour before my interview to reschedule because the store manager wasn't able to meet that day. Fine. I get it. Retail is unpredictable. We rescheduled for a week later. Unfortunately, I broke my foot the day before our rescheduled time. I called the SM from the ER to explain my situation and she told me to keep her posted because she was eager to meet with me. Sweet! I kept her in the loop and called after every appointment I had with the orthopedic surgeon. I kept missing her so her team left messages. Never got a call back.

I was cleared by my surgeon to resume full activity after 10 weeks from the break so I called to update her. I actually spoke to her directly and scheduled an interview for 3 days later. The interview went great! The only bugaboo… my availability. I'm not putting my kids in daycare to work a shitty retail job and barely break even. She told me she was going to look at the staff situation and “strongly consider some things.” Hell yeah. This feels good. I asked her when I would get a call because I'm eager to hear back! She promised “tomorrow” because she was going on vacation the following day.

That was 3 weeks ago. I want to call her and make her tell me I don't fit her business needs. Because ghosting someone is bullshit in any case. Tell me your favorite tactful approach to handling a situation like this.

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