
How to convince my manager to not leave and join my former workplace

I just started a new job 7 weeks ago and I have 5 weeks to go to pass probation (3 months probation). My team is super small, just me (entry level), my manager, and an academic director/professor. Today my manager told me they were thinking about leaving our team to join my former workplace (a nonprofit). How do I convince them not to do it while not trash talking my former workplace? I left coz I didn't see myself advancing (I was with them for 3 years) and they pay rather low wages and (imo) have bad management. If my manager joined them, I think my manager would be happier and feel more fulfilled, but it's just not that good… I actually like my manager and want to keep learning from them coz they have so much experience, and I kinda wanna protect them from joining a nonprofit that doesn't…

I just started a new job 7 weeks ago and I have 5 weeks to go to pass probation (3 months probation). My team is super small, just me (entry level), my manager, and an academic director/professor. Today my manager told me they were thinking about leaving our team to join my former workplace (a nonprofit). How do I convince them not to do it while not trash talking my former workplace? I left coz I didn't see myself advancing (I was with them for 3 years) and they pay rather low wages and (imo) have bad management. If my manager joined them, I think my manager would be happier and feel more fulfilled, but it's just not that good… I actually like my manager and want to keep learning from them coz they have so much experience, and I kinda wanna protect them from joining a nonprofit that doesn't post it's wages online and (imo) is a toxic workplace. What should I do?

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