
How to deal with anxiety about getting in trouble in a job you don’t care about

So I'm currently in an internship position where I was told I was pretty much guaranteed a full time spot in a higher position after 9 months. Got told the whole way through I was on track to get it and to just keep doing what I was doing. Cue the 9 month mark where I was told that not only would I not be getting the higher position, I was so unsuitable for the workplace that they don't even want to renew my contract, so I've basically got a 3 month notice period. The HR person really really does not like me, and seemed to enjoy telling me this, really laying into me. Then asked what I had to say about it – I said “okay that's fine.” They got visibly angry, clearly wanting some kind of reaction out of me, but what's the point? I already know they…

So I'm currently in an internship position where I was told I was pretty much guaranteed a full time spot in a higher position after 9 months.

Got told the whole way through I was on track to get it and to just keep doing what I was doing.

Cue the 9 month mark where I was told that not only would I not be getting the higher position, I was so unsuitable for the workplace that they don't even want to renew my contract, so I've basically got a 3 month notice period.

The HR person really really does not like me, and seemed to enjoy telling me this, really laying into me. Then asked what I had to say about it – I said “okay that's fine.” They got visibly angry, clearly wanting some kind of reaction out of me, but what's the point? I already know they don't want me here, not like I'm going to try to change that after being told there's zero chance.

So I've been applying for other places, am having some good initial success, and am pulling the bare minimum currently in work. Because why would I go above and beyond for no reward?

I know I shouldn't care because I don't want to be here and they can't hurt me, but I can't shake the feeling of anxiety that comes with being told off? It takes me back to being a school kid getting in trouble. I've really got a target on my back now and the HR person is constantly on my back – I know it shouldn't affect me but it still fills me with dread/anxiety.

Anyone deal with anything similar or have any tips to combat this?

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