
How to ever want to work again after toxic jobs?

How do you ever find the will to work again after toxic jobs? Especially in the same field? I sort of gave up after multiple highly toxic jobs in the legal field. Think excluding, bullying, belittling and bad management. I'm now suffering because of this because I have what I think will be life long depression and burnout. I just don't see anymore why I went to school til age 28 for this. I go from temp job to temp job, preferably C level and part time so I have the least amount of contact with a job. And even that is usually too mentally tough for me, especially if anyone at work triggers memories from the past. I think my lack of motivation is harming my performance and is causing a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm currently looking for yet another temp job and I am just petrified of starting…

How do you ever find the will to work again after toxic jobs? Especially in the same field? I sort of gave up after multiple highly toxic jobs in the legal field. Think excluding, bullying, belittling and bad management.

I'm now suffering because of this because I have what I think will be life long depression and burnout. I just don't see anymore why I went to school til age 28 for this.

I go from temp job to temp job, preferably C level and part time so I have the least amount of contact with a job. And even that is usually too mentally tough for me, especially if anyone at work triggers memories from the past.

I think my lack of motivation is harming my performance and is causing a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm currently looking for yet another temp job and I am just petrified of starting something new yet again. New software, new potential bullies. My last job didn't really have bullies but definitely one passive agressive person who treats me like I'm a dumb fuck even though I'm a lawyer and she is just some low level bookkeeper who can't count 3×8.

I'm tired of all this.

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